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Hungarian investors consider cryptocurrencies to be a higher-risk than the average investment, and lack information about the digital currency available in Hungarian, a recent poll shows.
Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange platform, conducted a survey together with Opinio, a market research company, and sent it to Hungarian news agency MTI. According to their statement, the public’s interest in cryptocurrencies has increased significantly at a global level over the past few years, and the researchers examined the extent to which Hungary is following this trend.
86 percent of respondents have never used cryptocurrency. Three percent of respondents invest in cryptocurrencies only for additional income generation, and four percent are occasional users. In the overall sample, only one percent of the total sample uses cryptocurrency as their primary source of income.
According to the survey, people are most interested in finding out about the long-term investment potential of cryptocurrencies, the tax treatment of the income generated, and the domestic and international rules governing the trade.
According to analysts, the forint could recover this year after its weak performance in 2022.Continue reading
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Hungarians Are Wary of Cryptocurrencies – Hungary Today
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